- Audio/Video Equipment (31)
- Central Air Conditioners and Air-Source Heat Pumps (61)
- Clothes Dryers (122)
- Clothes Washers (82)
- Computers (43)
- Consumer Refrigeration Products (150)
- Dehumidifiers (2)
- Dishwashers (21)
- Displays (247)
- Notebook (3)
- Palmtop (3)
- Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) (3)
- Personal Navigation Assistant (PNA) (18)
- Residential Electric Cooking Products (17)
- Room Air Cleaners and Purifiers (9)
- Room Air Conditioners (12)
- Smartphones (1440)
- Smartwatch (19)
- Tablets (45)
- Televisions (19)
- Water Heaters - Non Solar Electric and Non Solar Gas (8)
- Yes (1)