Ningbo Songle Relay Co.,ltd,is a Joint Venture which is specializing in Producing micro-electromagnetism realys more than 20 years.Mostof Songle’s relays have "UL" TUV" "CQC" certifications,and "IECQ" certification.Under,the ISO9001 rules,all kinds of rel
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRD-24VDC-SL-C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRD-03VDC-SL-C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SMI-12VDC-SL-C10A250VAC
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRD-12VDC-SL-C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRS-12VDC-SL
- Ningbo Songle Relay SMI-24VDC-SL-2C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRD-05VDC-SL-C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SMI-12VDC-SL-2C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRD-09VDC-SL-C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRU-12VDC-SL-C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SLA-12VDC-SL-A
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRA-12VDC-CL
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRA-9VDC-CL
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRE-24VDC-SL-2C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SLA-24VDC-SL-A
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRA-12VDC-AL
- Ningbo Songle Relay SLD-12VDC-1A
- Ningbo Songle Relay SLA-5VDC-SL-A
- Ningbo Songle Relay SLA-05VDC-SL-C
- Ningbo Songle Relay SRA-05VDC-CL