TROQ ELECTRONIC C0.LTD is a privale enlreprise,specialized in designing,researching,producing and saleing quarlz crystal unit.The headquarters of the Company Iocated in Jinhua and posses a cerlain scale of research and producing base,and the annual produc
- TROQ RO03579043
- TROQ RO04000071
- TROQ RO08000031
- TROQ RO10000012
- TROQ RO11059032
- TROQ RO24000035
- TROQ RO25000005
- TROQ RO27000037
- TROQ RO32768068
- TROQ RO33300075
- TROQ RO50000054
- TROQ ROA1000080
- TROQ ROA2500081
- TROQ RZ24000008
- TROQ RZ50000006
- TROQ RZ80000013
- TROQ RU19200012
- TROQ RU24000016
- TROQ RU38400013
- TROQ RU40000011