Vibration motors are small electric motors that generate vibrations when activated. They are used in various applications, including mobile phones, gaming controllers, and wearable devices, to provide haptic feedback and alerts. Vibration motors enhance the user experience by providing tactile sensations in response to user interactions or notifications. Their compact size, low power consumption, and ability to produce strong vibrations make them essential components in haptic feedback systems.
- Nidec 22H893F010
- Nidec 13H220E020
- Nidec 00H220H022
- LEADER LCM0820A2908F
- LEADER LCM0720A3017F
- LEADER LBM0825A3018F
- LEADER LD0832AA-0099F
- LEADER LCM0827A3038F
- LEADER LCM0830A1097F
- LEADER LCM0834A1195F
- LEADER LCM1027A2445F
- LEADER LCM1034A3039F
- ebmpapst M4Q045-CA03-51
- ebmpapst M4Q045-DA01-01
- KOTL LV081538
- KOTL C1027B603F
- KOTL C0830B078F
- KOTL Z4TH5B1242373
- KOTL Z6DL2A1030003