LEADER LCM0720A3017F is a LCM0720A3017F from LEADER, part of the Vibration Motor. It is designed for - Vibration Motor ROHS. This product comes in a - package and is sold as Box-packed. Key features include:
Additional details: This product is environmentally friendly, does not contain a battery, and weighs approximately 0.001 grams.
More on LCM0720A3017F
Full Specifications of LCM0720A3017F
Model Number | LCM0720A3017F |
Model Name | LEADER LCM0720A3017F |
Category | Vibration Motor |
Brand | LEADER |
Description | - Vibration Motor ROHS |
RoHS | Lead free / RoHS Compliant |
Unit | Piece |
Weight: | 0.001 grams / 0.000035 oz |
Package / Case | - |
Package / Arrange | Box-packed |
Battery | No |
ECCN | - |
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