unknown Unknown Full Android On SMDKV210 Secret Code All Mobile Devices

Unknown Full Android On SMDKV210 Hidden Features and Secret Codes

Unknown Full Android On SMDKV210 Hidden Features

Code Description
*#06# IMEI Info
*#*#426#*#* FCM Diagnostics
*#*#225#*#* Calendar
*#*#4636#*#* Version Information
*#07# Regulatory Information
*#*#0000#*#* About Phone

Additional Common Secret Codes for Unknown Full Android On SMDKV210 Smartphones

Code Description
*#06# Checks IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) number.
*#*#7780#*#* Factory reset (deletes application data and applications but not firmware).
*2767*3855# Full reset of your phone including firmware (not to be used lightly).
*#*#7594#*#* Change the power button behavior (enable code for direct power off).
*#*#4636#*#* Displays information about phone, battery, usage, and WIFI statistics.
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* For a quick backup of all your media files.
*#*#1472365#*#* Quick GPS test.
*#*#1234#*#* PDA and phone firmware information.
*#*#8255#*#* Launch GTalk service monitor.
*#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac address.
*#*#36245#*#* Access email debug information.
*#*#225#*#* Events calendar.
*#*#426#*#* Debug information for Google Play service.
*#*#759#*#* Access Google Partner setup (Rlz debug interface).
*#*#1234#*#* Software Version Information
*#*#44336#*#* Detailed Usage Statistics
*#*#34971539#*#* Camera Information
*#*#232338#*#* Wi-Fi MAC Address
*#*#232331#*#* Bluetooth Test
*#*#232337#*#* Bluetooth Address
*#*#0842#*#* Device Test (Vibration, Backlight)
*#*#2664#*#* Touch Screen Test
*#*#0*#*#* LCD Display Test
*#*#1472365#*#* GPS Test
*#*#1575#*#* Another GPS Test
*#*#0283#*#* Packet Loopback Test
*#*#0588#*#* Proximity Sensor Test
*#*#3264#*#* RAM Version
*#*#2663#*#* Touch Screen Version
*#*#7594#*#* Changing the Power Button Behavior
*#*#7780#*#* Factory Data Reset
*2767*3855# Full Factory Reset (Wipes Everything)

Descriptions and Usage

IMEI Info (*#06#)

Displays the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. This is a unique identifier for your phone and can be useful for warranty and service purposes.

FCM Diagnostics (*#*#426#*#*)

Shows Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) diagnostic information. Useful for developers to troubleshoot push notifications.

Calendar (*#*#225#*#*)

Opens the calendar storage information, providing details about events and synchronization.

Version Information (*#*#4636#*#*)

Displays detailed information about the phone’s battery, usage statistics, and Wi-Fi information.

Regulatory Information (*#07#)

Shows regulatory information about the device, such as FCC ID, CE marking, etc.

About Phone (*#*#0000#*#*)

Displays detailed information about the phone, including software and hardware details.

Software Version Information (*#*#1234#*#*)

Provides information about the current firmware version on the device.

Detailed Usage Statistics (*#*#44336#*#*)

Shows detailed statistics about the phone’s usage.

Camera Information (*#*#34971539#*#*)

Displays detailed information about the phone’s camera.

Wi-Fi MAC Address (*#*#232338#*#*)

Shows the MAC address of the device's Wi-Fi.

Bluetooth Test (*#*#232331#*#*)

Runs a test on the device’s Bluetooth functionality.

Bluetooth Address (*#*#232337#*#*)

Displays the Bluetooth address of the device.

Device Test (*#*#0842#*#*)

Allows testing of device functions such as vibration and backlight.

Touch Screen Test (*#*#2664#*#*)

Runs a test on the touch screen to ensure it is functioning properly.

LCD Display Test (*#*#0*#*#*)

Tests the LCD display for any dead pixels or issues.

GPS Test (*#*#1472365#*#*)

Runs a test on the GPS functionality of the device.

Another GPS Test (*#*#1575#*#*)

An additional test for the GPS functionality.

Packet Loopback Test (*#*#0283#*#*)

Performs a packet loopback test for network troubleshooting.

Proximity Sensor Test (*#*#0588#*#*)

Tests the proximity sensor to ensure it is working correctly.

RAM Version (*#*#3264#*#*)

Displays information about the device’s RAM.

Touch Screen Version (*#*#2663#*#*)

Shows the version of the touch screen firmware.

Changing the Power Button Behavior (*#*#7594#*#*)

Allows customization of the behavior of the power button.

Factory Data Reset (*#*#7780#*#*)

Resets the device to factory settings, erasing all user data but keeping the system software intact.

Full Factory Reset (*2767*3855#)

Performs a full factory reset, erasing all data, including the system and user data.

Quick Backup (*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*)

For a quick backup of all your media files.

GTalk Service Monitor (*#*#8255#*#*)

Launches the GTalk service monitor for debugging.

Email Debug Information (*#*#36245#*#*)

Accesses email debug information.

Google Partner Setup (*#*#759#*#*)

Accesses Google Partner setup (Rlz debug interface).

Usage Precautions

  • Important: Using some of these codes can alter settings or erase data on your phone. Ensure you understand what each code does before using it.
  • Backup: Always back up your data before using codes that reset your device.
  • Legitimate Sources: Only use codes from reputable sources to avoid potential security risks or malfunctions.

These secret codes can unlock various hidden features and functions on your Unknown Full Android On SMDKV210 smartphone, providing you with greater control and troubleshooting capabilities.

This template ensures that all the codes and descriptions you mentioned are included, making it comprehensive for users looking for hidden features and secret codes for their Unknown Full Android On SMDKV210 smartphones.


The resources provided above is offered "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. We do not guarantee that the firmware will function as expected and are not responsible for any outcomes resulting from its use. Please use at your own risk. If you encounter any issues or find that a link is not working, please report it to us so we can address the problem. Thank you for your understanding.

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